

The Abacus classes at Ocean kids is the collaboration between Ocean kids and mathello technique by mathello The MIT (Middle, Index, and Thumb) technique involves manipulating beads with six fingers on both hands, which stimulates 10 lobes of the brain and results in better performance across eight different innate intelligences. We take pride in providing an effective and innovative curriculum that promotes children’s mental development, and we want parents and educators to join us on this journey. With its concept of say hello to genius mathello has transformed the worldwide education business, with an increasing number of parents selecting the mathello program for their children’s enrichment. Each student receives a unique mathello student number and is eligible to compete in the yearly International Competition and International Grading Examination. Students who successfully complete all levels receive a certificate and participate in the graduation ceremony.

Ocean Kids is excited to announce our collaboration with mathello Abacus and Mental Arithmetic to provide abacus classes at our center! mathello is a leading provider of abacus education, and we are confident that their experienced instructors will help our students develop their math skills and mental agility.

Abacus is a centuries-old method of calculation that uses beads on wires to represent numbers. It is a highly effective way to learn math, as it helps students develop their visual- spatial reasoning skills and their ability to think strategically. Abacus classes can also help students improve their concentration and memory skills.








Creative thinking

Problem-solving skills

Photographic memory

Visualization abilities

Resulting in overall Performance

academic excellence




The abacus is a manual aid to calculating that consists of beads or disks that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks or strings within a usually rectangular frame. The abacus itself doesn’t calculate; it’s simply a device for helping a person to calculate by remembering what has been counted.

The most common abacuses work by moving beads on rods. Abacus can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and people can use them to find the square root of whole numbers. … This abacus is split into two kinds of basic rows, the top is for the “5”s, and the bottom is for the “ones”.

As an approach to learning math, abacus reduces demands on short-term memory. When people use the beads on an abacus, they’re using the device to keep track of digits, which allows them to execute more complex calculations. This is important because short-term memory is important.

Abacus learning is one of the best ways to improve arithmetic skills and number fluency. Abacus math also helps develop an interest and passion in math for many students as their confidence and understanding grows from an early age. After all, most students prefer the subjects they perform well in!

The Image Abacus System consists of eight levels. Level UNO is the novice level, and level OCTO is the most advanced. The training takes approximately 2 years 2 months to 2 years 5 months to complete. Normally, dramatic improvement in math capability is evident after only the first year, when the student has achieved level TRIO or level QUADRO.

Abacus Training and Brain Development. The program bridged the gap by providing a unique training where young children can best benefit and develop their total brain. The result is better concentration, memory and creativity. Mental Arithmetic does more than help children improve math grades.

The recommended age to start Abacus training can vary, but typically children between the ages of 4 and 12 are considered to be the most receptive to the training. Starting at age 4 or 5 can be a good time to introduce Abacus training, as it is when children’s brain development is at its peak and they are more capable of picking up new skills quickly.

Doing an Abacus is effective for adult’s brain activities and stress control management, which is increased as they grow older. It is also a prevention of elderly people with dementia. It might be a good idea to try learning Abacus not only your children, but also your parents, grandparents, and all in the family.

Although today many use calculators and computers instead of abacuses to calculate, abacuses still remain in common use in some countries. Merchants, traders and clerks in some parts of Eastern Europe, Russia, China and Africa use abacuses, and they are still used to teach arithmetic to children.

Abacus enhances the concentration power of a child whereas there is no concentration building in Vega Math/Speed Math (Vedic-Maths). Abacus covers 4 basic operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division while Vega Math consists of higher mathematical functions. Abacus will be a compliment for the Vedic maths learner.

The abacus is also great because it can be used to teach simple math – like counting, addition, and subtraction – as well as more complex operations like multiplication and division. It can even be used to work with fractions and to find square and cube roots.

It is possible for children to confuse school math and abacus math, if they have not been exposed to abacus math before. While school math is typically solved on paper with pencil, abacus math involves using a physical abacus to perform computations. One significant difference between the two methods is their calculation methodology. School math starts from the right to the left, moving from ones, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Conversely, abacus calculation starts from left to right, beginning with highest digit available, for e.g. millions, hundred thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. Although adults may find it challenging to distinguish between the two methods, young minds are incredibly adaptable and can learn new concepts quickly. Therefore, what seems challenging to us is often easier for children aged 4 to 13 years. While both methods use mental calculations, such as using calculations and strategies to solve problems quickly mentally. But they also have some key differences, such as the way in which numbers are represented and the use of different tools. If your child is struggling with math and you think they may be mixing up school math and abacus math, it may be helpful to work with them to clarify any misunderstandings and provide additional support and practice to reinforce their understanding of each method.

Helpful in many ways, abacus helps in the overall development of a child. This includes excellent memorizing power, fast learning skills, better concentration power, great listening skills and better self-confidence.

Besides enhancing the overall comprehension of maths – other important benefits of abacus maths include the following:

Boosts better and faster calculation skills. Increases endurance for stress and pressure. Improves problem-solving abilities. Abacus learning is very important for a child, not only from mathematics side, but an overall development perspective. It improves and boosts memory of a child. It also improves creativity of a child. It helps in making calculations faster.

Abacus Mental Arithmetic is a healthy brain stimulant which promotes the use of both left and right hemisphere of the brain simultaneously. Children are trained to listen and understand numbers while they do mental calculations. They will learn to use effective imageries through sheer visualization.

Abacus learning is very important for a child, not only from mathematics side, but an overall development perspective. … It improves and boosts memory of a child. It also improves creativity of a child. It helps in making calculations faster. The abacus helps the student’s memory in two ways. The first way is the student no longer has to memorize answers to arithmetic problems. Once the student learns the abacus, they will know how to solve any arithmetic problem. They will not have to memorize solutions or steps because it is always going to be the same.


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